Osteochondrosis of the lumbar is a degenerative pathology of the vertebrae and discs. It is generally accepted that lumbar osteochondrosis affects both the spine itself and the nerves and blood vessels. Therefore, the symptoms of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine are divided into those that affect the spine itself - they are called vertebral / vertebral syndrome - and those that appear outside the spine, with the participation of nerve and vascular structures - they are called non-vertebral / extravertebral syndrome. Extravertebral, in turn, is divided into reflex and radicular syndromes. Since the word "syndrome" implies a group of symptoms, it can be simplified and said that the symptoms of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine consist of three groups - vertebral, reflex and radicular.
Vertebral symptoms of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
- Violation of the configuration of the spine (curvature);
- Tension of the muscles of the lower back;
- Violation of the mobility of the lower back;
- Localized back pain.
Reflex symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis
The main reflex symptom is back pain. It can be abrupt or permanent. Pain occurs after physical activity or from awkward movement. For example, when turning, tilting or lifting weights. There comes muscle tension and stiffness of movements - more often in the morning. There are shootings in the lower back or in the leg. The sensitivity of the lower extremities is impaired - numbness, goosebumps, piercing or burning. Changes in gait and coordination. Sweating increases. The work of the intestines and bladder is often disturbed. There are malfunctions in the work of internal organs. Sexual function suffers. Sleep is disturbed due to pain. Mood swings, irritability and fatigue appear. Sometimes there is depression.
Factors provoking an exacerbation are physical exertion, prolonged uncomfortable position, hypothermia, stress.
Pain reflex symptoms of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, depending on the severity and localization of the process, are usually divided into lumbago, lumbalgia and lumboischialgia.
- Lumbago (lumbago)is the most acute pain. A provocation is an awkward movement, sneezing, coughing. To alleviate his condition, the patient involuntarily leans forward or bends to the side. Attempts to straighten up cause a new backache.
- Lumbalgia- aching "tolerable" pain, with episodes of exacerbation. Over time, it develops into constant severe pain.
- Sciatica- Pain extending from the lower back to the leg.
Radicular symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis
They occur due to the effect on the nerves coming out of the spine.
There are many nerves coming out of the spine. They are called spinal nerves. Each such nerve gradually branches and follows a certain area of the body with clearly defined boundaries. This area is called the zone of segmental innervation. Each vertebra, disc, nerve and zone are numbered strictly corresponding to each other. If the nerve is affected, the symptoms will appear in the zone of segmental innervation corresponding to this nerve, and not just anywhere - in an arbitrary place.

spinal nerves
The radicular symptoms of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine include:- decrease or loss of reflexes;
- muscle weakness;
- violation of sensitivity;
- radicular pain.
Not all areas of the lumbar spine are equally susceptible to pathology. The most mobile segments are more often affected: L3-L4, L4-L5 and L5-S1. According to the principle - "More movements - more wear. "

Zones of innervation of the lumbar segments
Osteochondrosis L3–L4- acts on the spinal nerve L4. Main signs: weakness of the knee jerk. Pain, numbness and decreased sensitivity disturb the front of the thigh.
Osteochondrosis L4–L5- acts on the spinal nerve L5. Main signs: weakness in the muscles that lift the big toe and foot. It is difficult for the patient to keep standing on the heel. Pain, numbness and decreased sensitivity disturb from the lower back to the buttock and thigh "along the stripe", then through the lower leg, gradually moving to its front part and ending in the first three toes of the foot.
Osteochondrosis L5–S1- acts on the spinal nerve S1. Main signs: weakness in the calf muscles. It is difficult for the patient to keep standing on his toes. Pain, numbness and decreased sensitivity are detected from the buttock, then along the back of the thigh and lower leg, moving to the side of the foot and the little finger.
Sometimes, with lumbar osteochondrosis, not only nerves, but also radicular arteries can be affected. This threatens the development of the most dangerous pathology - spinal stroke, with severe consequences for a person - paresis and paralysis, as well as serious malfunctions of the pelvic organs.
Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine:
- depend on the stage of osteochondrosis;
- aggravated by tilting and turning;
- more often appear after 30-35 years;
- women are about 3 times more likely than men.
You, of course, noticed that the radicular symptoms are clearly defined, and the reflex symptoms are very blurry and non-specific. And as you know, everything that does not have clear definitions serves as a convenient cover for professional helplessness. This applies, among other things, to reflex symptoms and such a favorite concept among doctors as "age-related changes". Surely many of you are familiar with the situation when the doctor explained the problem by "reflex" or "age-related" processes. Most people at such moments rightly believe that the doctor simply cannot figure out what is happening, and is trying to veil his incompetence in the fog of these "magic words".
At one time there was a popular phrase: "Every accident has a name, surname and position. "Every disease has its own unique symptoms. And the doctor's duty is to know them clearly. And then there will be no need to let in fog, and blame the osteochondrosis of the cervical spine for everything. Now you understand how important it is to find an experienced and knowledgeable doctor. Both the correct diagnosis and the results of treatment will depend on this.
When choosing a clinic, the main thing is to get to an experienced and knowledgeable doctor.
Diagnosis of lumbar osteochondrosis
To date, there are a number of modern methods of hardware diagnostics of osteochondrosis. The most accurate of these are MRI and CT. But the main method is still clinical diagnostics - this is when an experienced doctor compares data from at least three sources - from patient complaints, MRI results, and the symptoms that were revealed by him during the examination. This allows you to make the most accurate diagnosis and create an effective individual treatment program.
Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar
As you understand, osteochondrosis is a real "tangle" of symptoms, unraveling which, the doctor will save you from pain and anguish. But it is not possible to eliminate changes in the vertebrae and discs. Therefore, the words "treatment of osteochondrosis" must be understood correctly. If you are interested in eliminating pain and other suffering, then yes - it is quite possible. And if you conduct an academic discussion on the topic of returning the vertebrae and discs to their original appearance, "like a newborn child", then no, the past cannot be returned. You need to be realistic, and then you will not fall for the bait of scammers.
Do not fall for the bait of scammers!
It is impossible to return the vertebrae and discs to their original appearance!
What is the main treatment method?
Soft manual therapy is the main type of treatment for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. It's like an antibiotic for pneumonia - you can't do without it. Other types - massage, medicines, physio and exercise therapy - are auxiliary.
How does gentle manual therapy work?
The nutrition of the discs is directly related to the muscles surrounding the lumbar vertebrae. In addition, the lumbar muscles themselves are one of the constituent causes of pain in lumbar osteochondrosis. Soft manual therapy is a special method that allows you to return the muscles to their natural physiology, eliminate spasms, muscle clamps and improve disc nutrition.
The intervertebral discs are the only part of the body that does not have blood vessels and is nourished by the proper functioning of the muscles.
In addition, when treating with the help of hands, the chiropractor:
- remove the load from the affected vertebrae and discs and distribute it correctly
- relax the muscles and help them return to normal
Manual impact mobilizes the internal forces of the body and launches self-healing mechanisms. The treatment is absolutely safe.
The clinic uses all methods of soft manual therapy:
- relieve the patient of clamps
- improve drive power
- restore the motor functions of the body
normalizes blood circulation
The qualification of doctors of any professional clinic allows you to freely use all these methods for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. In addition, in each specific case, we combine them, taking into account the synergy effect.
Synergy is not just a heap of different influences, it is the correct sequence in the combination of methods. Synergy leads to additional quality of treatment. A simple example of synergy is our hands. How long does it take to fasten a button? Seconds? !And if you do it with one hand, you can not manage it in a minute. That is, to act with two hands not twice as fast as with one, but many times faster. And listen to the same music performed by individual instruments or by the whole orchestra together - is there a difference? This is the effect of synergy - it makes it possible to do everything much more powerfully, more efficiently and faster, but at the same time - more carefully.
Complementary therapies - medications, massage, physiotherapy and exercise therapy
Treatment with drugs.In the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis, drugs of various spectrums of action are used. These are drugs that relieve swelling of deep tissues, inflammation and pain. Drugs that improve blood circulation. In addition, drugs are used that help restore damaged cartilage tissue of the disc and pinched nerves - chondroprotectors and B vitamins. Taking medications, in combination with other methods of treatment, if necessary, is prescribed by a chiropractor.
Massage.As you know, there is massage for pleasure and massage for healing. Massage for pleasure is done in spas, and massage for treatment is done in medical clinics. In the clinic, medical massage is performed during a gentle manual therapy session. To increase the effectiveness of manual treatment and normalize metabolic processes - all this can be therapeutic massage!
Physiotherapy.There are many physiotherapy methods that help manual therapy in the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis, for example, treatment with ultrasound, electrophoresis, laser, etc. A specific recommendation will be given by the attending chiropractor.
Physiotherapy- involves regular gymnastics to strengthen muscles. The main thing is to perform the right exercises without sudden movements. During treatment in a specialized clinic, the doctor will recommend the necessary exercises for you. Pilates is the best option.
Prevention of osteochondrosis of the lumbar
To avoid relapses, create comfortable conditions for yourself to sleep and work. Watch your weight and proper nutrition. Maintain your physical activity. But the main thing is not to neglect your health and not save on it. Don't let things go by themselves. After recovery, try to do at least one maintenance session of gentle manual therapy once every three to six months - this will reduce risk factors. Do not forget, neglected osteochondrosis leads to complications - protrusion and disc herniation. Remember: your health, first of all, you need!
Running osteochondrosis leads to complications - protrusion and disc herniation.
Benefits of treating osteochondrosis in a specialized clinic:
- Guarantee of full and qualified treatment. The word "complete" is key in our work.
- We consider each case individually and comprehensively - no formalism.
- Synergy effect.
- Guaranteed honesty and fair prices.